
class rez.command.Command

Bases: object

An interface for registering custom Rez subcommand

To register plugin and expose subcommand, the plugin module..

  • MUST have a module-level docstring (used as the command help)

  • MUST provide a setup_parser() function

  • MUST provide a command() function

  • MUST provide a register_plugin() function

  • SHOULD have a module-level attribute command_behavior

For example, a plugin named ‘foo’ and this is the

The docstring for command help, this is required.
from rez.command import Command

command_behavior = {
    "hidden": False,   # optional: bool
    "arg_mode": None,  # optional: None, "passthrough", "grouped"

def setup_parser(parser, completions=False):
    parser.add_argument("--hello", ...)

def command(opts, parser=None, extra_arg_groups=None):
    if opts.hello:

class CommandFoo(Command):
    schema_dict = {}

    def name(cls):
        return "foo"

def register_plugin():
    return CommandFoo
classmethod name()

Return the name of the Command and rez-subcommand.