
The dependency resolving module.

This gives direct access to the solver. You should use the resolve() function in instead, which will use cached data where possible to provide you with a faster resolve.

See for an in-depth description of how this module works.

class rez.solver.VariantSelectMode

Bases: Enum

Variant selection mode.

version_priority = 0
intersection_priority = 1
class rez.solver.SolverStatus

Bases: Enum

Enum to represent the current state of a solver instance. The enum also includes a human readable description of what the state represents.

pending = ('The solve has not yet started.',)
solved = ('The solve has completed successfully.',)
exhausted = ('The current solve is exhausted and must be split to continue further.',)
failed = ('The solve is not possible.',)
cyclic = ('The solve contains a cycle.',)
unsolved = ('The solve has started, but is not yet solved.',)
class rez.solver.SolverCallbackReturn

Bases: Enum

Enum returned by the callback callable passed to a Solver instance.

keep_going = ('Continue the solve',)
abort = ('Abort the solve',)
fail = 'Stop the solve and set to most recent failure'
class rez.solver.SolverState

Bases: object

Represent the current state of the solver instance for use with a callback.

__init__(num_solves, num_fails, phase)
class rez.solver.Reduction

Bases: _Common

A variant was removed because its dependencies conflicted with another scope in the current phase.

__init__(name, version, variant_index, dependency, conflicting_request)
class rez.solver.DependencyConflict

Bases: _Common

A common dependency shared by all variants in a scope, conflicted with another scope in the current phase.

__init__(dependency, conflicting_request)
  • dependency (Requirement) – Merged requirement from a set of variants.

  • conflicting_request (Requirement) – The request they conflict with.

class rez.solver.FailureReason

Bases: _Common

class rez.solver.TotalReduction

Bases: FailureReason

All of a scope’s variants were reduced away.

class rez.solver.DependencyConflicts

Bases: FailureReason

A common dependency in a scope conflicted with another scope in the current phase.

class rez.solver.Cycle

Bases: FailureReason

The solve contains a cyclic dependency.

class rez.solver.PackageVariant

Bases: _Common

A variant of a package.

__init__(variant, building)

Create a package variant.

  • variant (Variant) – Package variant.

  • building (bool) – True if a build is occurring.

property name
property version
property index
property handle

It is important that this property is calculated lazily. Getting the ‘requires’ attribute may trigger a package load, which may be avoided if this variant is reduced away before that happens.

property request_fams
property conflict_request_fams
class rez.solver.PackageVariantCache

Bases: object

get_variant_slice(package_name, range_)

Get a list of variants from the cache.

  • package_name (str) – Name of package.

  • range (VersionRange) – Package version range.


_PackageVariantSlice object.

class rez.solver.Solver

Bases: _Common


A package solver takes a list of package requests (the ‘request’), then runs a resolve algorithm in order to determine the ‘resolve’ - the list of non-conflicting packages that include all dependencies.

max_verbosity = 3
__init__(package_requests, package_paths, context=None, package_filter=None, package_orderers=None, callback=None, building=False, optimised=True, verbosity=0, buf=None, package_load_callback=None, prune_unfailed=True, suppress_passive=False, print_stats=False)

Create a Solver.

  • package_requests – List of Requirement objects representing the request.

  • package_paths – List of paths to search for pkgs.

  • context (ResolvedContext) – Context this solver is used within, if any. This is needed in a solve if any packages contain late binding package attributes that need access to context info.

  • package_filter (PackageFilterBase) – Filter for excluding packages.

  • package_orderers (list of PackageOrder) – Custom package ordering.

  • building – True if we’re resolving for a build.

  • optimised – Run the solver in optimised mode. This is only ever set to False for testing purposes.

  • callback – If not None, this callable will be called after each solve step. It is passed a SolverState object. It must return a 2-tuple: - SolverCallbackReturn object indicating what to do next; - str: Reason for solve abort, ignored if solve not aborted. If the callable returns, but there has not been a failure, the solver will ignore the callback and continue on with the solve.

  • package_load_callback – If not None, this callable will be called prior to each package being loaded. It is passed a single Package object.

  • prune_unfailed (bool) – If the solve failed, and prune_unfailed is True, any packages unrelated to the conflict are removed from the graph.

  • suppress_passive (bool) – If True, don’t print debugging info that has had no effect on the solve. This argument only has an effect if verbosity > 2.

  • print_stats (bool) – If true, print advanced solver stats at the end.

property status

Return the current status of the solve.


Enum representation of the state of the solver.

Return type:


property num_solves

Return the number of solve steps that have been executed.

property num_fails

Return the number of failed solve steps that have been executed. Note that num_solves is inclusive of failures.

property cyclic_fail

Return True if the solve failed due to a cycle, False otherwise.

property resolved_packages

Return a list of resolved variants.


Resolved variants, or None if the resolve did not complete or was unsuccessful.

Return type:

list of PackageVariant

property resolved_ephemerals

Return the list of final ephemeral package ranges.

Note that conflict ephemerals are not included.


Final non-conflict ephemerals, or None if the resolve did not complete or was unsuccessful.

Return type:

List of Requirement


Reset the solver, removing any current solve.


Attempt to solve the request.

property solve_stats

Perform a single solve step.


Get the reason for a failure.



Index of the fail to return the graph for (can be negative). If None, the most appropriate failure is chosen according to these rules:

  • If the fail is cyclic, the most recent fail (the one containing the cycle) is used;

  • If a callback has caused a failure, the most recent fail is used;

  • Otherwise, the first fail is used.


A FailureReason subclass instance describing the failure.


Get a description of the failure.

This differs from failure_reason - in some cases, such as when a callback forces a failure, there is more information in the description than there is from failure_reason.


Get packages involved in a failure.


failure_index – See failure_reason.


A list of Requirement objects.


Returns the most recent solve graph.

This gives a graph showing the latest state of the solve. The specific graph returned depends on the solve status. When status is: unsolved: latest unsolved graph is returned; solved: final solved graph is returned; failed: most appropriate failure graph is returned (see failure_reason); cyclic: last failure is returned (contains cycle).


A pygraph.digraph object.


Returns a graph showing a solve failure.


failure_index – See failure_reason


A pygraph.digraph object.


Print a formatted summary of the current solve state.