
class rez.utils.scope.RecursiveAttribute#

Bases: UserDict, StringFormatMixin

An object that can have new attributes added recursively:

>>> a = RecursiveAttribute()
>>> = 5
>>>['eek'] = 'hey'
>>> a.fee = 1

>>> print(a.to_dict())
{'foo': {'bah': 5, 'eek': 'hey'}, 'fee': 1}

A recursive attribute can also be created from a dict, and made read-only:

>>> d = {'fee': {'fi': {'fo': 'fum'}}, 'ho': 'hum'}
>>> a = RecursiveAttribute(d, read_only=True)
>>> print(str(a))
{'fee': {'fi': {'fo': 'fum'}}, 'ho': 'hum'}
>>> print(a.ho)
>>> = True
AttributeError: 'RecursiveAttribute' object has no attribute 'new'
format_expand = 3#
__init__(data=None, read_only=False)#

Get an equivalent dict representation.


Dict-like update operation.

clear() None.  Remove all items from D.#
format(s, pretty=None, expand=None)#

Format a string.

  • s (str) – String to format, eg “hello {name}”

  • pretty (bool) – If True, references to non-string attributes such as lists are converted to basic form, with characters such as brackets and parenthesis removed. If None, defaults to the object’s ‘format_pretty’ attribute.

  • expand (StringFormatType) – Expansion mode. If None, will default to the object’s ‘format_expand’ attribute.


The formatting string.

format_pretty = True#
classmethod fromkeys(iterable, value=None)#
get(k[, d]) D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None.#
items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items#
keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys#
pop(k[, d]) v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.#

If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.

popitem() (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair#

as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

setdefault(k[, d]) D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D#
values() an object providing a view on D's values#
class rez.utils.scope.ScopeContext#

Bases: object

A context manager for creating nested dictionaries:

>>> scope = ScopeContext()
>>> with scope("animal"):
>>>     count = 2
>>>     with scope("cat"):
>>>         friendly = False
>>>     with scope("dog") as d:
>>>         friendly = True
>>>         d.num_legs = 4
>>>         d.breed.sub_breed = 'yorkshire terrier'
>>> with scope("animal"):
>>>     count = 3
>>>     with scope("cat"):
>>>         num_legs = 4
>>>     with scope("ostrich"):
>>>         friendly = False
>>>         num_legs = 2

The dictionaries can then be retrieved:

>>> print(pprint.pformat(scope.to_dict()))
{'animal': {'count': 3,
            'cat': {'friendly': False,
                    'num_legs': 4},
            'dog': {'breed': {'sub_breed': 'yorkshire terrier'},
                    'friendly': True,
                    'num_legs': 4},
            'ostrich': {'friendly': False,
                        'num_legs': 2}}}

Note that scopes and recursive attributes can be referenced multiple times, and the assigned properties will be merged. If the same property is set multiple times, it will be overwritten.


Get an equivalent dict representation.


Format a string with respect to a set of objects’ attributes.

Use this rather than scoped_format when you need to reuse the formatter.

rez.utils.scope.scoped_format(txt, **objects)#

Format a string with respect to a set of objects’ attributes.


>>> Class Foo(object):
>>>     def __init__(self):
>>> = "Dave"
>>> print(scoped_format("hello {}", foo=Foo()))
hello Dave
  • objects (dict) – Dict of objects to format with. If a value is a dict, its values, and any further neted dicts, will also format with dot notation.

  • pretty (bool) – See ObjectStringFormatter.

  • expand (bool) – See ObjectStringFormatter.