

rez context [-h] [--req] [--res] [--so] [--su] [-t] [--which CMD] [-g]
                   [-d] [--pg] [--wg FILE] [--pp PKG] [-i]
                   [-f {bash,csh,pwsh,sh,tcsh,zsh,dict,table,json}]
                   [-s {file,eval}] [--no-env] [--diff RXT] [--fetch] [-v]


Print information about the current rez context, or a given context file.


--req, --print-request#

print only the request list (not including implicits)

--res, --print-resolve#

print only the resolve list. Use with --su to print package URIs

--so, --source-order#

print resolved packages in order they are sorted, rather than alphabetical order

--su, --show-uris#

list resolved package’s URIs, rather than the default ‘root’ filepath

-t, --tools#

print a list of the executables available in the context

--which <cmd>#

locate a program within the context

-g, --graph#

display the resolve graph as an image

-d, --dependency-graph#

display the (simpler) dependency graph. Works in combination with other graph options

--pg, --print-graph#

print the resolve graph as a string

--wg, --write-graph <file>#

write the resolve graph to FILE

--pp, --prune-package <pkg>#

prune the graph down to PKG

-i, --interpret#

interpret the context and print the resulting code

-f, --format#

print interpreted output in the given format. Ignored if --interpret is not present (default: “bash”). If one of table, dict or json, the environ dict is printed.

Choices: bash, csh, pwsh, sh, tcsh, zsh, dict, table, json

-s, --style#

Set code output style. Ignored if --interpret is not present (default: “file”)

Choices: file, eval


interpret the context in an empty environment

--diff <rxt>#

diff the current context against the given context


diff the current context against a re-resolved copy of the current context

-v, --verbose#

verbose mode, repeat for more verbosity